Service Area
Our primary service area is Eastern Ontario, from our location in Lanark County. For solar kits, we ship anywhere in Canada. For solar thermal hot water, we only sell and install complete systems, and do not offer a kit service.
Our Business
We have been in the solar business since 2010. We are based near Clayton, Ontario but do not operate a store front operation, to keep costs low. We have taken solar training, and prior to entering the solar field, our principle worked in electronic hardware design.
Booking An Appointment
Call 613-256-8846 or e-mail us to request an appointment. If you request an appointment by e-mail, we will call you to set up an appointment, and determine the type of your house to estimate the duration of the appointment, and the equipment that we will need.
Please include in your e-mail asking us to call you to set up an appointment.:
- Your name
- Address
- Phone number
- If possible, a picture of the south side of your home
- If possible a picture taken from your roof , pointing south
- A few sentences description of your home
- An approximate size of your lot, and a picture of your yard facing south
- Driving directions if the street address is not sufficient
If you are hearing impaired, and prefer to make an appointment using only e-mail, then let us know.
Prior to booking an appointment we will answer simple questions by e-mail or by phone
Rates & Hours
Site survey: $350 + HST for most locations.
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
No service available on Sundays.
We guarantee your satisfaction. You receive an assessment of your location that is unbiased and independent of a sales oriented company. We also will evaluate different technologies to mount solar panels, and different types of inverters. For instance even a 5% better system performance due to the optimal type of installation would recover the cost of our independent evaluation in less than a year, and then for the next 19 years you would be better off. If you buy a kit or an installed system from us, we rebate the cost of the site survey from the system price.
We will provide a realistic financial analysis based on a estimated system cost, and demonstrate how various choices may impact the rate of return. We can update this analysis after you obtain some quotes from some installation sales companies.
There is no formal qualification standard in Ontario. Our principle has taken ain intense training course in Toronto at a not-for-profit environmental centre owned by the City of Toronto, currently said to be the best available. This course included training by the ESA on the application of the Electrical Safety Code to Photovoltaic Systems. It also included training in fall prevention and safety, particularly oriented towards rooftop safe working practices.
I have worked for over thirty years in electronics as a hardware design expert. During that time I also designed, and built my own energy efficient home, and did all the building trades myself. I have studied solar and other energy conservation technologies, and incorporated some passive solar design techniques into my home design. I have subsequently done renovation projects and assisted friends with home construction and renovation.
I have a working microFIT installation at my home, this is a ground mounted fixed system with the mounting system of my own design. It is a 10kW system and uses SMA string inverters.
My science and engineering background provide good problem solving skills. My practical experience with renovations can provide some insights into the issues that you may encounter while assessing the practicality of mounting solar panels on your home.
Please call (613) 256-8846 for courteous, timely service.